Coming and Going Part 1: Hello America - What the Well-Advised Immigrant Needs to Know and Do Before They Arrive

IBA Annual Conference
November 1, 2022

Attorney Maria -Soledad Otero will present "Coming and Going Part 1: Hello America - What the Well-Advised Immigrant Needs to Know and Do Before They Arrive" at the International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Conference in Miami, Florida. This in-depth discussion will highlight various tax and non-tax considerations that individuals should consider before becoming a U.S. income tax resident, with a focus on pre-immigration planning to mitigate exposure to U.S. income and estate tax, including stepping up the client’s basis in assets prior to residency, addressing the impact of the various U.S. anti-deferral regimes, creating income tax advantaged structures and protecting assets from U.S. estate and gift tax.

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