Federal Audits of Indian Tribal Governments and Gaming Facilities: What We Have Learned (Part Four)

NIGC Examinations and Other Federal Audits
February 1, 2011
Webinar (EDT)

The Holland & Knight Indian Law Practice Group is hosting a four-part webinar series titled "Federal Audits of Indian Tribal Governments and Gaming Facilities: What We Have Learned." Speakers include Holland & Knight attorneys with experience defending tribal governments faced with audits of their books, records and operations by various agencies of the federal government.

Led by Indian Law Partner Phil Baker-Shenk and Associate Tim Evans will lead the final part of the series titled "NIGC Examinations and Other Federal Audits."

Topics to be addressed include:

I. The focus of NIGC examinations – whether tribal programs and payments are consistent with the Tribe's RAP and IGRA requirements (NIGC Bulletin 2005-1)
II. Remedies and corrections typically proposed if violations are found
III. Federal audits applicable to tribes receiving federal grant monies

Please direct registration and information inquiries to sonja.gregg-phelps@hklaw.com.

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