E-Discovery in 2013: What Attorneys Need to Know
Pincus Professional Education Seminar
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Litigation and Dispute Resolution Partner Brett Barfield and Senior Counsel Sonya Strnad will speak at Pincus Professional Education's "E-Discovery in 2013: What Attorneys Need to Know" seminar.
Mr. Barfield will speak on a panel titled "Litigation and In-House Counsel: What In-House and Outside Counsel Need to Know to Work Together." He will discuss the following topics:
- understanding the obligations of outside counsel
- recognizing budgetary constraints and pressures
- meeting the need for transparency
- determining who to involve in early case assessment
- re-evaluating processes
- being flexible with use of particular vendors
- minimizing the risk of sanctions
Ms. Strnad will speak on the following panels.
Litigation: Managing the Large E-Discovery Project
- determining the potential scope of the project
- soliciting proposals and evaluating/selecting service providers
- establishing effective communication systems
- implementing quality control
- documenting what has been done and gathering feedback
- preparing master agreements
Litigation: Modern Search and Review Techniques and Issues
- utilizing techniques for intelligent review
- federal Rule of Evidence 502 and the handling of inadvertent disclosures