Natural Gas for Transportation and LNG Markets

Law Seminars International
CLE Available, Seminar
July 18-19, 2013
Robert S. Strauss Building
Washington, DC

Energy Team members Dianne Phillips and Joel Zipp will speak at the Law Seminars International "Natural Gas for Transportation and LNG Markets" program. Ms. Phillips is co-chairing the conference, which will take an in-depth look at the legal issues that everyone in the natural gas industry will need to understand to navigate the political and regulatory challenges and develop strategies to take full advantage of these unique opportunities.


  • The shifting global supply and demand picture for natural gas 
  • How natural gas and LNG fits into the overall U.S. energy policy
  • Developing LNG markets on U.S. islands and the potential impact on the gas stream
  • Demand side developments: Natural gas as a transportation fuel
  • Supply side developments: Small-scale U.S. liquefaction
  • Federal regulatory structures and priorities for gas development 
  • LNG exports and climate change: What are the net impacts?
  • The big environmental issues for natural gas and LNG exports
  • Special issues for floating terminal facilities and transportation of LNG by ship
  • LNG terminal designs and their permitting implications

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