March 18, 2013

Appropriations Hearing on the Bureau of Indian Affairs/Indian Health Service Budget Request

Upcoming Opportunity to Provide Oral and Written Testimony
Holland & Knight Alert
Philip Baker-Shenk

On April 24 at 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., and on April 25 at 9:30 p.m., the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies will hold three separate American Indian and Alaska Native Public and Outside Witness Hearings on American Indian and Alaska Native programs within the subcommittee's jurisdiction. All three hearings will be held in B-308 Rayburn House Office Building.

Request to Testify in Person

The subcommittee is currently accepting requests to testify at the hearings. If you would like to submit a request to testify, send an email with the subject line “request to testify” to: by March 27. Include in the email the name of the person who will be testifying, the subject of the testimony and contact information. You may also submit this information via facsimile at 202.225.9069. Be sure to first call the subcommittee at 202.225.3081 to notify them if you intend to send your request via facsimile.

In selecting parties to provide oral testimony, the subcommittee will consider many factors, including: (1) the timeliness of each request; (2) recent opportunities to testify; and (3) regional diversity of those testifying. We suggest that you also ask your member of Congress to send a letter to the subcommittee in support of your request to testify.

All requesters will receive notice from the subcommittee following the March 27 deadline for making requests. Those selected to testify will receive further instructions at that time.

Submit Written Testimony for the Record

All interested parties may submit written testimony to be included in the official record. You do not have to provide oral testimony or appear at the public witness hearings to submit written testimony.

All written testimony must comply with the following requirements:

  • Do not exceed four pages. Testimony that exceeds four pages will not be accepted.
  • Type on standard 8.5 x 11-inch letter size paper.
  • Use single-space type in 12 point font with one-inch margins.
  • Clearly indicate your name, title and institutional affiliation (if any) at the top of the first page.
  • Clearly state in the first paragraph the agency, program and amount of funding involved in the request.
  • Do not include color and detailed photos. The official record will contain photographically reproduced copies of written testimony. However, use of charts and tables and the use of appropriate bold type and bullets are acceptable as long as they are within the maximum length of four pages.
  • Attach testimony to an e-mail with the subject line “written testimony” and send to by April 25.

If you have additional questions, contact the Subcommittee staff at 202.225.3081 or

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