New Stormwater Controls Create Fourth Class of Dischargers
Environment Practice Group Partner Dianne Phillips was quoted in the July 2009 edition of the Environmental Compliance Bulletin article titled, "New Stormwater Controls Create Fourth Class of Dischargers."
The article discusses the creation of a fourth category of discharges under the stormwater program known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Until now, discharges from construction sites, industrial operations, and municipal sewer systems were the only three regulated programs. Ms. Phillips states that stormwater is considered a pollutant that the EPA Region 1 is currently focusing on. "They have taken care of combined sewer overflows and traditional point sources," she said, which leaves stormwater as the next big issue to address. To read the full article, please click the link below.
READ: New Stormwater Controls Create Fourth Class of Dischargers