The Importance of Pro Bono Work in Different Law Firms
Corporate attorney Alba Malagón was interviewed by Asuntos Legales about her appointment as the pro bono and Public and Charitable Services (PCS) chair of Holland & Knight's Bogotá office. Pro bono services refer to the different types of legal support "for the public good" carried out by lawyers, generally for free, for those without resources. Ms. Malagón highlighted the importance of pro bono work both for those who receive it and for those who offer it.
"Offering quality service is not only relevant for whomever gives it, but also for whomever receives it," she said. "Colombia is a country with much inequality, and pro bono service focuses attention on the needs of vulnerable populations that do not have sufficient resources to access quality legal services, at the same time that it gives lawyers the opportunity to develop their professional and personal activity in the framework of a culture of social responsibility."
READ: The Importance of Pro Bono Work in Different Law Firms