Jordan Paine

Jordan Paine


Jordan Paine is a business attorney in Holland & Knight's Dallas office and is a member of the firm's Financial Services Practice Group. Ms. Paine focuses her practice on financial services matters, including representing financial institutions and private capital funds in lending and investment transactions.

During law school, Ms. Paine was a staff editor on the American Journal of Law & Medicine and interned at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. She also conducted research in ready-file tax systems, Chapter 12 bankruptcy and antibiotic-free labeling. Additionally, Ms. Paine served as a teaching assistant for the Health Systems, Law and Policy course at Boston University School of Public Health.


  • Boston University School of Law, J.D., cum laude
  • Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, LL.M., mention bien
  • Purdue University, B.S., Agricultural Education, with distinction
  • Purdue University, B.A., Political Science, with distinction
Bar Admissions/Licenses
  • Texas
Honors & Awards
  • Early Decision Distinguished Scholar, Boston University School of Law, 2018
  • University Honors College, Purdue University, 2013-2018
  • Phi Beta Kappa
