Staffing and Scoping Internal Investigations: Choosing Outside Counsel and Other Key Decisions at the Outset of an Internal Investigation
7th Annual Government Enforcement University of Texas School of Law Continuing Legal Education (UT Law CLE)
Dallas, TX 75201
Litigation attorneys Michael Stockham and Jessica Magee will participate in the 7th Annual Government Enforcement Institute conference on September 30. The conference, hosted by The University of Texas School of Law, will bring together the top enforcement practitioners, in-house counsel, compliance professionals and agency personnel. Hear from some of the nation’s most prominent authorities on key issues and strategies for protecting companies and executives in government investigations.
Mr. Stockham will be speaking in the session "Staffing and Scoping Internal Investigations: Choosing Outside Counsel and Other Key Decisions at the Outset of an Internal Investigation." The foundation for any well-run internal investigation rests on several key decisions made at the outset. Once made, they can be difficult, if not impossible, to change. A shaky foundation can lead others to criticize the reasonableness of the investigation’s processes and results, which can lead to difficulties with outside auditors, regulators and other stakeholders. This session addresses many of those issues, and others, to ensure an investigation gets started on a solid footing.
Ms. Magee will moderate the panel discussion "Cooperation Credit: Illusion vs. Reality." What do companies and individuals under government investigation need to know about the pros and cons of cooperating, and what does “cooperation credit” really mean, anyway? This panel explores whether cooperation can be a reliable strategy when dealing with the DOJ or SEC, insights on how to approach and advocate for cooperation credit, and what type of cooperation has (or has not) been credited in some recent government actions.