Arbitrating ESG Disputes: Adapting to New Realities
New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC), New York Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArbNY)
New York City Bar Association
CLE Center
New York, NY 10036
International Arbitration and Litigation attorney José Antonio Vázquez Cobo will discuss the future of arbitration proceedings related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) during a New York Arbitration Week (NYAW) panel. He will examine how international arbitration contributes to ESG dispute resolution, highlighting the current issues arbitrators and practitioners face, while providing attendees with essential tools and resources to enhance their practice.
This week, co-hosted by the New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC) and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators New York branch (CIArbNY), will bring together international arbitration professionals for dynamic discussions. International Arbitration and Litigation attorney Marisa Marinelli, a board member of NYIAC, has played a key role in the forum as the co-chair of programming.