TSA Seeking Sample Tribal Identification Cards to Streamline Validation Processes
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has sent a Dear Tribal Leader letter informing Indian Country that it is seeking samples of official tribal government issued identification cards to assist TSA in minimizing traveler interruptions during validation checks should tribal members choose to use their tribal identification cards for air travel within the United States.
In the letter, dated June 2, 2020, TSA states that it is "committed to protecting the Nation's transportation systems while ensuring the freedom of movement of people and commerce. Air travel includes validating an individual's identity through verification of identity documents. … Having sample identifications readily available helps ensure smooth travel for enrolled tribal members utilizing their tribal government issued identifications that meet TSA standards."
To submit a sample tribal identification card to TSA, contact TSA Tribal Affairs Liaison Marie Trottier via email or by calling (571) 227-2860.
For more information or assistance, contact Kayla Gebeck or James Meggesto.
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