Colombia Establishes New Economic Thresholds for Reporting Business Integrations in 2025
By means of Resolution No. 81005 of 2024, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio or SIC) of Colombia established the new economic thresholds that will govern the notification of business integrations starting in 2025.
According to the regulation, operating income and total assets must be calculated in terms of the Basic Value Unit (Unidad de Valor Básico or UVB). This methodology will allow for a more accurate adjustment to economic variations and ensure a uniform assessment of business operations.
It will be mandatory to notify business integrations when the companies involved, either individually or jointly, meet any of the following criteria: 1) having achieved operating income exceeding 7,074,307.43 UVB, or 2) having registered total assets above this figure as of the close of the 2024 fiscal year. These requirements apply to both horizontal integrations (companies in the same economic activity) and vertical integrations (companies participating in the same value chain).
Additionally, Colombia's Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público), through Resolution No. 3914 of 2024, set the value of the UVB for 2025 at US$2.66 (approximately COP$11,552). This means that the economic threshold will be equivalent to US$19 million (approximately COP$82 billion), representing the minimum amount for business operations to be subject to notification before the SIC.
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