D.C. Office of Planning Launches Rhode Island Avenue Planning Study

The D.C. Office of Planning (OP) is launching the Rhode Island Avenue Planning Study (Study). The Study will focus on a 1.7-mile stretch of Rhode Island Avenue N.E., between 13th Street N.E. and Eastern Avenue N.E.
The purpose of the Study is to assess the corridor's land use and market potential, explore opportunities for public space improvements and develop strategies to better address community needs while fostering future investments.
In announcing the study, OP highlighted that Rhode Island Avenue has served as a key gateway to the District of Colombia since its establishment, with thousands of people using the corridor daily. The area features a diverse mix of local businesses, shops, residences and community institutions that support nearby neighborhoods. However, the segment of the corridor east of 13th Street N.E. is facing significant challenges, including high commercial vacancy rates, a difficult pedestrian environment and unmet community needs such as limited access to fresh food. Accordingly, the Study will provide a foundation for future investments aimed at stimulating economic development and fostering growth along the corridor and within surrounding communities.
OP's anticipated schedule is as follows:
More information about the Study is available online. Should you have any questions, please contact the author.