Land Use: D.C. and Northern Virginia
- Holland & Knight's D.C. and Northern Virginia Land Use Team provides comprehensive zoning, land use and municipal law services for landowners, developers, financial institutions and other clients in the District of Columbia and several jurisdictions within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our multidisciplinary approach draws upon the extensive experience of our firm's Environmental, Construction, Real Estate and Affordable Housing teams.
- Our experienced team includes skilled attorneys, urban planners, lobbyists, paralegals and an architectural historian who have decades of experience navigating the distinct complexities of federal and local land use controls that overlay the National Capital Region.
- We provide counsel to developers of office, multifamily residential, hotel and retail projects throughout the development cycle – from preacquisition and construction to occupancy and resale.
- We likewise guide businesses, retailers, institutions, foreign missions and international organizations, colleges and universities, private schools, hospitals, churches, nonprofit and trade associations, and individual homeowners in securing land use approvals before relevant local governments, boards, commissions and administrative bodies.

Understanding government regulation in the areas of planning, zoning and land development throughout the National Capital Region is essential to achieving your land use objectives. The D.C. and Northern Virginia Land Use Team at Holland & Knight is a wide-ranging practice dedicated to offering regional insight and targeted services for counsel you can trust:
- A significant aspect of our practice involves work with institutional lenders and title insurance companies in addressing land use considerations as part of property acquisitions and transfers.
- With more than 30,000 landmarked or otherwise historically designated properties in the District of Columbia, our team has deep experience in analyzing the potential effects and opportunities such designations present to landowners.
- Community engagement is key to project success and efficiency, and our team is knowledgeable, well-respected and engaged with local government leaders, community advocates and neighborhood associations.
- Holland & Knight's strong focus on real estate and municipal law provides extensive resources to our team to leverage the experience of seasoned lawyers focused on environmental, construction, litigation, taxation, housing and local government issues.
- Our team members are respected thought leaders on land use issues who have appeared and provided testimony before local and federal governments, boards and agencies, and who regularly consult with executive branch officials and regulators.
Handling the Full Range of Land Use Matters
Our comprehensive scope of services includes:
- assistance with securing building permits and certificates of occupancy
- negotiation of zoning approvals for planned unit developments and other projects, zoning variances and special exceptions, zoning design review, zoning text and map amendments, campus plans
- subdivision and lot consolidations, site plan approvals, transfers of jurisdiction and large tract reviews
- local and federal historic preservation reviews and approvals
- construction code permitting, analysis and code modifications
- provision of formal opinions and informal analyses regarding zoning, land use, local law and historic preservation
- affordable housing and inclusionary zoning: covenants and agency coordination
- preparation and review of easements, covenants, single lot agreements, development rights, credits, air rights transfers, combined lot developments
- D.C. Comprehensive Plan amendments
- administrative interpretations and determinations
- due diligence for acquisition, financing and disposition of property
- drafting model legislation and regulations
- assistance with real property tax issues, including tax abatements and exemptions
- business development incentives: tax credits, grants and subsidies
- street and alley closings and dedications
- community engagement and outreach
Industry Leadership Enhances Counsel
Holland & Knight's real estate and land use attorneys serve as industry leaders through leadership positions and active involvement in a range of significant area business organizations and political committees, providing them with key connections and a thorough knowledge of the business landscape throughout the Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia region.