Judge's order will fundamentally alter how GSA leases large blocks of space from private landlords
A recent federal court ruling could force the General Services Administration (GSA) to change how it awards major real estate leases.
The judge's order struck down two major tenets of how the GSA has operated for decades. The first is that GSA leases could not be undone once awarded, and the second widely held notion challenged was the federal government's contention that the prospectuses Congress must pass before the GSA can sign costly leasing deals are more guidelines than legally enforceable caps.
"I think the judge was quite irritated by the government's position that the lease couldn't be undone," said attorney Bob MacKichan Jr. "Literally, this has created, I think, a new venue for bid protests."
READ: Judge's order will fundamentally alter how GSA leases large blocks of space from private landlords