Senators Push to Ease Cuba Trade Ban as Biden Demurs, for Now
International Trade Attorneys Ronald Oleynik and Andrew McAllister were quoted in a Bloomberg Law article about easing the Cuba trade ban. Advocates hope Biden will follow the lead of President Barack Obama, who relaxed restrictions during his two terms in office. President Joe Biden has yet to make Cuba a priority. Supporters of dissolving the embargo claim that it would improve the struggling Cuban economy. Mr. Oleynik said younger generations of Cuban-Americans have softened their views on the bilateral relationship. He expects the Biden Administration to "start rolling the embargo back in waves."
Many other lawmakers oppose, insisting that easing the trade ban will allow the country’s communist government to reap the benefits. Mr. McAllister said Cuban-American lawmakers from South Florida stand firm against any openings for normalized Cuban relations, which their constituents consider "a hot-button item."
READ: Senators Push to Ease Cuba Trade Ban as Biden Demurs, for Now