Hoover Starts Certificate of Need Process for New Surgical and Diagnostic Center in Riverwalk Village
Healthcare attorney Colin Luke recently interviewed by ABC 33/40 News about a new ambulatory surgical center and diagnostic facility that’s coming to the Riverwalk Health and Wellness Village in Hoover, Alabama. Mr. Luke explained what this center is.
"Ambulatory surgery service would be scheduled. You would go in. It is nonemergent typically that would be scheduled at least 24 hours out," he said.
He also described how this type of facility is more cost-effective than a standard hospital.
"It's typically about 50 percent the cost both for the patient and for an insurance company of having surgery in a hospital setting," said Mr. Luke. "There's a lot of hospitals that are decreasing services if you have read about the maternity obstetrics services closing across the state. This is really an opportunity to be cutting edge and bring new services to the community in a community-based setting close to where many people live, close to interstates.”
Mr. Luke added the development process of this campus included researching the needs of the community and expressed his excitement for this community.
"We've done a study of the specialties that are really most important to the people of Hoover and that they've had a hard time scheduling and a hard time going downtown and getting appointments. We've really looked at where the needs are and how we can address these needs," he said. "I do a lot of health care across the country, I'll say this is the best health care campus I've ever seen."