Legal Analysis: Implications of State Tax Exclusion of Overtime Wages for Employers and Employees
Tax attorney John Wertz recently spoke with Thomson Reuters about the implications of Alabama's new law excluding overtime wages from state income tax for hourly employees. The article examined how this first-of-its-kind legislation aims to address labor shortages by allowing workers to retain more of their overtime earnings, while also noting challenges it poses for employers. Mr. Wertz discussed the compliance burden for employers in tracking and reporting historical overtime data, as well as the potential administrative hurdles in having to differentiate between federal and state taxable wages. He also compared Alabama's approach to similar proposals in other states, highlighting variations like allowing deductions for overtime pay instead of full exclusions. His commentary provided insights on potential pitfalls when tax legislation is enacted without sufficient input from tax professionals and the affected business community.
READ: Legal Analysis: Implications of State Tax Exclusion of Overtime Wages for Employers and Employees