What to Know About How the Bonus Works and What Should Be Done If It Is Not Paid
Labor attorney Camilo Cuervo was interviewed by Asuntos Legales about employee bonuses in Colombia. This figure is compensation from an employer for economic and social benefits provided through an employee's services. Mr. Cuervo explained that bonus payments are divided into two parts: one in June and another in December. He also pointed out that if an employee does not receive a bonus, they can send a formal communication to their employer asking for it, or they can present a complaint to the Ministry of Labor directly. He furthermore detailed the potential consequences for companies that fail to comply with this requirement.
"In proportion to the infraction and depending on the size of the company the fines can amount to up to 5,000 minimum wages for not paying the bonus on time," he said.
READ: What to Know About How the Bonus Works and What Should Be Done If It Is Not Paid