Paul Kilmer Receives INTA's Advancement of Trademark Law Award
WASHINGTON – November 9, 2011 – Holland & Knight is pleased to announce that Paul F. Kilmer, a partner in the firm's Washington office, is this year's winner of the International Trademark Association's Advancement of Trademark Law Award. The award, which was among the Volunteer Service Awards presented today at INTA's Leadership Meeting in Miami, recognizes Kilmer's key role in developing its model free trade agreement, which now serves as a guide to ensure the protection of trademarks in the negotiations of trade agreements.
"On behalf of INTA, I'd like to congratulate Paul and all the winners of the 2011 Volunteer Service Awards," said Alan C. Drewsen, executive director. "Throughout the year, we have benefited significantly from their dedication and support of INTA's initiatives. Their leadership has allowed us to meet our goals to promote trademarks and support trademark owners across the globe."
"I am truly honored to be the recipient of the Advancement of Trademark Law Award," said Kilmer. "I have been an active member of INTA for many years and know first-hand the important work it does to support and advance trademarks and intellectual property as elements of fair and effective global commerce. I am proud to have been able to contribute to this mission."
Kilmer, who chairs INTA's Free Trade Areas Subcommittee, practices in the areas of trademark, copyright and unfair competition law. He is a frequent lecturer to professional groups on copyright and trademark topics in the United States and abroad. In 1995, he authored the draft Trademark and Copyright Informational Sections for the Office of the United States Trade Representative Free Trade Area of the Americas Initiative.