Chip Pierce
Chip Pierce is a real estate transactions attorney in Holland & Knight’s Dallas office. Mr. Pierce focuses his real estate practice on commercial financing transactions, acquisitions and dispositions, and leasing matters, with a specific emphasis on counseling institutional lending clients regarding construction, development and bridge financings.
Prior to joining Holland & Knight, Mr. Pierce represented institutional and noninstitutional clients on construction and development matters in the commercial lending arena. Mr. Pierce additionally served as counsel on a variety of commercial leasing matters within the purchases and sales of medical services organizations.
- Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law, J.D., cum laude
- The University of Texas at Austin, B.B.A.
- Texas
- Dallas Bar Association, Real Property Law Section, 2021-Present; Bankruptcy and Commercial Law Section, 2021-Present; Corporate Counsel Section, 2021-Present
- Dallas Association of Young Lawyers (DAYL), 2021-Present
- State Bar of Texas, 2019-Present