Stimulus Circus: Taming the HIPAAs and COBRAs - Practical Steps to Dealing With Regulatory Change
Holland & Knight Webinar
March 26, 2009
President Obama was serious when he vowed to bring change. Health care entities and employers are getting hit with one of the first waves of this change. This Webinar will explore, in depth, the most important things health care entities need to know about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Participants will learn about tough new enforcement tools, as well as the expanded reach of HIPAA to business associates. Attendees will come away with practical steps to address the new regulations. Employers and health plans reeling from the HIPAA changes also have new responsibilities with respect to continuation coverage under their group health plans for COBRA. These responsibilities include new and immediate notice requirements as well as subsidies and extended election periods for eligible individuals. This Webinar will help attendees determine the individuals affected, which requirements apply, and how employers comply with the new COBRA requirements. Attendees will also learn which DOL and IRS forms are available to meet the new notice requirements and how to utilize these forms. Please join panelists Shannon Hartsfield, Maria Lumb, Dana Gryniuk and Eddie Williams as they discuss these very timely issues.