Land Use Issues for Foreign Missions and International Organizations
Holland & Knight Presentation
Washington, DC
Land Use Issues for Foreign Missions and International Organizations
There are more than 175 embassies and a number of international organizations in the District of Columbia needing adequate and secure facilities to conduct their operations. This seminar will cover the latest land use, legal and regulatory issues affecting the purchase, sale, lease, development, renovation and use of real property by foreign missions and international organizations in the District. This session is intended for representatives of foreign missions and international organizations, as well as brokers, builders, developers, architects and other professionals who work with these entities.
Foreign Missions
Richard Massey | Office Director, Property, Tax, Services and Benefits, Office of Foreign Missions, U.S. Department of State
Christopher Collins | Partner, Holland & Knight
International Organizations
Joan Powers | Former Assistant General Counsel, International Monetary Fund
Christy Shiker | Partner, Holland & Knight
Whayne Quin | Partner, Holland & Knight
8:15 - 8:30 a.m. | Registration and Breakfast
8:30 - 9:30 a.m. | Program
The D.C. Land Use Group is pleased to continue our Informational Breakfast Series featuring attorneys from our land use, transactional, environmental and construction law practices in frank and informal discussions on the latest news, trends and challenges affecting land use and development in the District of Columbia.