Websites and Apps – Terms of Service and Privacy Policies Webinar

HK Innovators Coffee Break
April 27, 2017
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET

Please join HK Innovators for our next Coffee Break event: "Websites and Apps – Terms of Service and Privacy Policies Webinar."

Having an up-to-date, accurate "Terms of Use and Privacy Policy" is key to conducting business online. We will discuss what you need to know about establishing online terms that govern consumers' use of your app/website and the use of personal information that you collect, as well as "do's and don'ts" for privacy best practices.

These periodic Coffee Breaks will cover a number of topics and informative discussions for startups and entrepreneurs. We hope you will join us for this highly informative session.

This will be conducted as a live webinar, which can be viewed online or in person at our Fort Lauderdale office.

About HK Innovators

Our highly experienced attorneys work with startup and emerging companies in a wide variety of corporate and capital-raising transactions, including angel investments, private placements, crowd funding and public offerings. As counsel to startups, emerging growth companies, angel investors, venture capital funds and family offices, we are at the center of the startup communities in South Florida, Boston, Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C.

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