Medicaid Pricing and Rebate 2.0: Complexities and Challenges

Rx Drug Pricing & Rebate Fundamentals, American Conference Institute
November 3, 2021
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM ET

Healthcare attorney Melissa Wong will join the American Conference Institute's (ACI) Rx Drug Pricing & Rebate Fundamentals virtual proficiency series designed to provide training in essential pricing and rebate concepts, methodologies and strategies for key government payer programs. Ms. Wong will present a session titled “Medicaid Pricing and Rebate 2.0: Complexities and Challenges.” The panel will discuss how to properly validate transactional data to ensure the completeness of direct sales, indirect sales, price concession (rebates, discounts, etc.), fee, returns and adjustment data. In addition, the presentation will help participants understand what constitutes a bundle arrangement, how to develop an unbundling methodology and how to develop a smoothing methodology for lagged price concessions.

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