A Complete Primer on FARA: Essential Takeaways on Requirements, Advisory Opinions, and Core Building Blocks

4th National Forum on FARA – Foreign Agents Registration Act
December 8, 2022
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM ET
Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Avenue
Washington, DC 20009

Public Policy & Regulation attorney Charles Borden will lead an American Conference Institute workshop to bring you up to speed and set the stage for an essential overview of Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) requirements and the current landscape of U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Advisory Opinions. This workshop will cover topics such as the definition of "foreign agent" and "foreign principal" under FARA, common misconceptions about FARA registration, FARA exemptions, lessons learned from key DOJ Advisory Opinions and enforcement actions, and recent enforcement trends and evolving risk factors confronting individuals and entities.

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