Closing Arguments: Closing Argument Brings It All Together for the Jurors

California Lawyers Association (CLA) Criminal Law Section’s Annual Trial Skills Update Seminar
April 6, 2024
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM PT
CSU East Bay – Oakland Professional Development & Conference Center
1000 Broadway, Suite 109
Oakland, CA 94607

White Collar Defense and Investigations attorney Eddie Jauregui will be participating in a panel discussion titled "Closing Arguments: Closing Argument Brings It All Together for the Jurors" at the CLA Criminal Law Section's Annual Trial Skills Update Seminar. The discussion will focus on delivering compelling closing arguments that effectively summarize key evidence and trial themes. The discussion will cover crafting persuasive narratives, navigating challenging facts or counterarguments and effectively utilizing audio-visual aids to engage jurors. The speakers will also explore the distinct approaches for prosecution and defense closing arguments while highlighting common pitfalls to avoid.

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