ABA Isn't Giving Up on Diversity Efforts by Ending CLE Rule
Diversity Partner Tiffani Lee wrote an article for Law360 about a new American Bar Association (ABA) diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policy, adopted by ABA Board of Governors, that eliminated its diversity requirements for continuing legal education (CLE). Some have expressed concerns about the effects of this change, but Ms. Lee says it is likely the ABA will continue to ensure that its continuing legal education programming and panels reflect its commitment to diversity. The ABA adopted the revised policy in an effort to comply with the Supreme Court of Florida's December 2021 opinion, which prohibited the Florida Bar from awarding CLE credit for programs sponsored by entities that require or mandate diversity among panelists, including the ABA. Prior to adopting this policy in April 2022, the ABA required that CLE programs with three or more panelists, including the moderator, have at least one member from a minority group. Ms. Lee explains why the ABA's decision stands out as a strategic move than a capitulation.
READ: ABA Isn't Giving Up on Diversity Efforts by Ending CLE Rule