What Do Climate Disclosures Have to Do with Due Diligence?
Trends for Environmental Risk Managers
Environment attorney Dianne Phillips published an article in the Environmental Bankers Association Journal discussing climate disclosures for publicly traded companies and other financial institutions and their implications for Environmental Risk Managers (ERMs). The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a proposed rule in March 2022 that would require public companies to disclose information regarding climate-related risks in certain periodic reports and registration statements. In addition, other regulatory bodies, such as the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC), have proposed their own climate disclosures and risk analyses. Given the numerous proposals - all at various stages of implementation - ERMs may find it difficult to know where to start. In this article, Ms. Phillips breaks down the major regulatory initiatives and explains what ERMs need to know to begin effectively planning for climate-related due diligence.
READ: What Do Climate Disclosures Have to Do with Due Diligence? (Article begins on page 23)