In the Headlines
January 26, 2024

Approaching Bay Area Deadline a ‘Test Case’ for California’s Housing Crisis


West Coast Land Use and Environment attorney Will Sterling was cited in a CalMatters article, shedding light on the pivotal moment California faces as it strives to address its chronic housing shortage. The state has mandated local governments enact key components of their housing blueprints into law, effectively rezoning to accommodate more than 2.5 million new homes by the end of the decade. This move marks a test for both the state's ambitious housing goals and local jurisdictions' ability to comply with the directive amid growing scrutiny of corporate compliance, investor interests and urban planning across municipalities.

"It's going to be interesting to see what (the state) does, how firm they are," Mr. Sterling commented.

READ: Approaching Bay Area Deadline a 'Test Case' for California's Housing Crisis

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