Fears of a Future U.S. ETS for Shipping Raised at CMA
Maritime attorney Sean Pribyl was mentioned in a Lloyd's List article about concerns raised at the CMA Shipping conference regarding the potential implementation of a U.S. Emissions Trading System (ETS) for shipping. Mr. Pribyl argued that the U.S. should wait for a global carbon tax scheme from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) instead of introducing its own regional cap-and-trade system, learning from the challenges faced by the European Union's (EU) ETS. The article discussed the complexities of applying an ETS in the U.S., including issues related to the inland shipping sector, the involvement of multiple agencies and the federal-state divide. Mr. Pribyl called for establishing a national policy first and leveraging funding streams like the Inflation Reduction Act before considering an ETS, noting that the upcoming 2024 election could impact progress on this front.
“From my end, the U.S. would be wise to continue to see if a global scheme emerges that would make a level playing field worldwide. Wait and see what comes up, even if it takes several years,” he said.
READ: Fears of a Future U.S. ETS for Shipping Raised at CMA (Subscription required)