401(k) Advice, Overtime Rules Poised to Reprise Obama-Era Fights
Employment and litigation attorney Timothy Taylor was quoted in a recent Bloomberg Law article about the U.S. Department of Labor's new overtime regulations and likely legal fight ahead. The new regulations expand overtime pay protections by raising the salary threshold for non-exempt workers. The Obama Administration previously made an effort to raise the threshold in 2016, but was ultimately unsuccessful because a federal judge ruled the changes went beyond the agency's authority. Mr. Taylor, who served as a deputy solicitor of labor under the Trump Administration before joining Holland & Knight, said he believes the Biden Administration's attempt will likely be overturned as well.
“I do think that the rule at least theoretically has the same sorts of vulnerabilities as the 2016 rule,” said Mr. Taylor. "Time will tell whether what they what they’ve done is sufficient to allay those sort of concerns."
READ: 401(k) Advice, Overtime Rules Poised to Reprise Obama-Era Fights