In the Headlines
May 28, 2024

Will Energy Tax Credit Guidance Ruin Your Summer Holiday?


Tax attorney Nicole Elliott was mentioned in a Forbes article about federal guidance and upcoming deadlines for energy tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The article discusses the recent domestic content notice, the results of the first round of the Section 48C advanced energy project credit allocations and what taxpayers should expect in the coming months. Ms. Elliott noted that the projects that received allocations in the first round covered a wide range of technologies and geographic locations, and those likely to be placed in service earlier in the four-year time frame appeared to be more attractive to reviewers.

"Every category was represented in round 1 allocations," she noted, adding that Section 48C's goal of broadly encouraging decarbonization was evident in the allocations because successful projects included many that didn't qualify for other IRA credits.

READ: Will Energy Tax Credit Guidance Ruin Your Summer Holiday?

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