Holland & Knight Named Top Trademark Law Firm by World Trademark Review
WASHINGTON, D.C. – February 28, 2013 – Holland & Knight's Trademark Team was recently ranked amongst the best trademark practices by The World Trademark Review 1000 — The World's Leading Trademark Professionals (WTR 1000).
According to the guide, in the D.C. metro area, "[Holland & Knight's] streamlined trademark unit earns widespread applause ... The division is credited with maintaining an attentive, client-oriented service within the structure of a large general outfit."
Additionally, Washington, D.C.-based partner Paul Kilmer was selected for "Gold" level recognition for his knowledge in trademark prosecution and strategy. Individuals in the gold band, according to the WTR 1000 listing, are "identified … as the crème de la crème … which enables them to secure the most high-profile, big-ticket work from the most demanding clients."
The WTR 1000 noted that, "At the head of the [Holland & Knight D.C. Trademark] team is longstanding authority Paul Kilmer, who is hailed for his strategic, transactional and prosecution nous."
The WTR 1000 is the only standalone publication to recommend individual practitioners and their firms exclusively in the area of trademarks, and identify the leading players in over 60 key jurisdictions globally. Rankings are determined by a peer-review process and independent research conducted by The IP Media Group. The selection of persons or firms for the WTR 1000 depends on their depth of knowledge, market presence and caliber of work.