March 22, 2022

Your 2022 Privacy Roadmap: Gearing Up For CPRA, VCDPA and CPA

Holland & Knight Webinar

Holland & Knight's Data Strategy, Security & Privacy Team hosted a webinar previewing three new state privacy laws that will take effect in 2023: the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) and Colorado Privacy Act (CPA).

This webinar focused on detailing the new privacy laws and provided companies with helpful tips on what they can be doing to plan and prepare for the new laws before they take effect. In addition, our attorneys discussed forthcoming regulations anticipated to supplement these laws, privacy legislation being considered in other states this year and other timely privacy topics such as website cookies and cross-border data transfers.


Mark Francis | Partner, New York
Rachel Marmor | Partner, Boston
Ashley Shively | Partner, San Francisco

Duration: 1:01

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