New York School of Aviation Finance 2015
April 22-24, 2015
The Down Town Association
60 Pine Street
New York, NY
New York, NY
Holland & Knight is proud to sponsor the New York School of Aviation Finance 2015 that brings together a first-rate faculty of senior global aircraft finance professionals. Holland & Knight attorneys will also speak at the event.
Holland & Knight Speakers and Topics
- Market Overview | John Pritchard
- Case Study of Commercial Aviation-Related Secured Debt Transactions in the Capital Markets | Fredric Bass
- Case Study: Teams and Explanations | John Pritchard
- Operating Leases: Explanation and Update | Audrey Sung
- Operating Leases: Practical Application | Audrey Sung
- The Effects of the Cape Town Convention on Daily Aircraft and Engine Finance | John Pritchard
- Transaction Structures, Documentation and the Principles of Tax Based-Leasing | Richard Crowley, John Pritchard, Richard Furey
- Lessor – Lessee/Seller – Purchaser's Views on the Process of Lease Deliveries and Returns | MJ Spelliscy
- End of Session and Break for Work on Case Studies | John Pritchard
- What Happens When it All Goes Wrong? [US Market] | Jim Rollins, Bill Piels
- Restructuring/Repossession Case Study [Cross-Border]: Mexicana Airlines | Phil Durham