The Case for Investing in Mid to End of Life Assets

Airfinance Journal North America 2019 Conference
May 2-3, 2019
Metropolitan Club New York
1 E 60th Street
New York, NY 10022

Attorney Nathan Leavitt will be attending the Airfinance Journal North America 2019 Conference on the panel "The Case for Investing in Mid to End-of-Life Assets" at 11:20 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET. As new technology narrowbody aircrafts have been perceived as a safe bet for investors, but in an environment defined by a search for yield, do not always generate dramatic returns. However older aircrafts present their own challenges can represent significant opportunity for those with the right risk profiles. Mr. Leavitt will be discussing how to overcome the challenges and the case for engaging in the mid to end-of-life assets market.

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