Critical Outposts for Consumer Protection Investigations: Insight from a Former Regional Director into the Important Work of the FTC's Regional Offices
Consumer Protection: Conversations that Matter Webinar Series

Please join Holland & Knight's Consumer Protection Defense and Compliance Team for the fourth webinar in our "Conversations That Matter" series.
Partner Anthony DiResta and Associate Brian Goodrich will host a fireside chat with Dama Brown, the former regional director of the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) Southwest Region, which is headquartered in Dallas and encompasses Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and New Mexico.
The FTC's Regional Offices have ample authority and resources to bring investigations and develop policy initiatives designed to remediate harm in their respective communities. As a former regional director, Ms. Brown's perspective will provide invaluable insight into how these critical FTC outposts function and how companies may end up on their radar screen.
Topics include:
- How FTC regional offices function and interact with headquarters in Washington, D.C.
- How to build positive relationships with FTC regional office staff
- Policy and enforcement initiatives that may be on the FTC's horizon