Hermes Beyond Helios: The Rise of Space Disputes and Fast Fashion

The Odyssean Course to Modern ADR, Asian International Arbitration Center (AIAC)
Webinar, Seminar
October 6, 2022
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Hybrid event

International arbitration and litigation attorney Laura Zielinski will participate in the Asian International Arbitration Center's (AIAC) Odyssean Course to Modern ADR conference. Ms. Zielinski's session will explore disputes in the fast fashion and space industries as well as ways to resolve them. Speakers will explain the intricacies involved in fast fashion and space commerce and how stakeholders can effectively use alternative dispute resolution to safeguard their business. Ms. Zielinski's portion of the presentation will focus on space disputes.

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