Companies Have to Guarantee Payment for 30 Days Regardless of the Leap Year
Labor and employment attorney Camilo Cuervo was quoted in an article published by La República about payroll payment in leap years. The article explains that regardless of whether February has 28 or 29 days, companies are obligated to guarantee the payment corresponding to 30 days of salary and social benefits to workers. However in most cases, no difference is generated because it is a leap year in working conditions. Mr. Cuervo pointed out that the situation only changes partially if the contracts are not agreed by month, but by day or hour, in which case payment would be made for the extra day actually worked in February.
“If there is a monthly fixation, basically due to an international accounting system, all work months are standard, regardless of the number of days they have. In this way, if there is a monthly salary agreement, exactly the same will be paid for 28, 29, 30 or 31 days, including leap days, likewise when there are 31 days no more is paid,” he said.
READ: Companies Have to Guarantee Payment for 30 Days Regardless of the Leap Year