Holland & Knight Attorneys to Participate in Upcoming Aviation Conferences
Holland & Knight attorneys will be addressing finance, regulatory, and litigation topics at two upcoming conferences in April.
Anita Mosner and Judy Nemsick will be speaking at the 8th Annual McGill Conference on International Aviation Liability & Insurance in Montreal, Quebec, April 17-18, 2015. Anita will be a panelist for a session titled "Antitrust Liability & Immunity," which will include discussions on antitrust laws and regulatory investigations. Judy will be a panelist for a session titled "What Constitutes an 'Accident' Under Article 17 of Warsaw/Montreal: A Look at Unruly Passenger and Liability for Acts of Unlawful Interference." Judy will address the status of Montreal Protocol 14 and its changes to the Tokyo Convention. View the conference program and speakers.
Several Holland & Knight attorneys will be speaking at the New York School of Aviation Finance, April 22-24, 2015, which is co-sponsored by the firm. The three-day program is intended to provide a substantive overview all areas of aircraft financing.
- John Pritchard, one of the directors of the school, will lead sessions and case studies including on the topics of sources of funding and the Cape Town Convention.
- Audrey Sung will conduct sessions on operating leases.
- Fred Bass will discuss commercial aviation-related secured debt transactions in capital markets.
- MJ Spelliscy will lead a session on lease deliveries and returns.
- Rich Furey and Rick Crowley will speak on transaction structures and principles of tax based leasing.
- Jim Rollins, Bill Piels and Marc Antonecchia will participate in sessions focusing on restructuring, bankruptcy and repossessions.
View the conference agenda.