August 22, 2022

Does the New Mining Formalization Law Help Combat the Illegal Extraction of Minerals?

Estefanny Pardo

Energy and Natural Resources attorney Estefanny Pardo published an article in Lexir about the fight against illegal mineral extraction in Colombia. In response to the report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on the illicit exploitation of alluvial gold, Colombia's government issued the Law 2250 of July 11, 2022. This law establishes the possibility of legalizing mining activity with proof that the applicant has been a miner for more than 10 years. However, the same rule offers coverage to applicants by a directive from the country's Ministry of Defense. Ms. Pardo says these regulations raise concerns since those who benefit from this law are allowed, with the sole filing of the application, to continue with the exploitation of resources without the need to obtain a mining title or environmental license and grants one year to obtain the environmental permit. She insists that it is alarming to allow the activity to continue irregularly and without the application of the appropriate techniques.

READ: Does the New Mining Formalization Law Help Combat the Illegal Extraction of Minerals?

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