Bid Protests, Suspension and Debarments Continue to Drop, But for How Long?
The number of suspensions, proposed debarments and debarments have significantly dropped for a fourth straight year in fiscal 2018. The Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee (ISDC) reports that the trend may be over by 2020. The ISDC created a cybersecurity subcommittee to track and report contractor compliance issues and developments.
"It shows cyber is not just a contract administration issue anymore. It’s an issue that could render a company not fit to do business with the government. And, of course that can lead to a company going out of business. Even short of that, I wouldn’t be surprised to see cyber impacting contractor performance assessment ratings (CPARS) and resulting in termination for convenient and default," said Government Contracts attorney Eric Crusius.
READ: Bid Protests, Suspension and Debarments Continue to Drop, But for How Long?