This Is the Reason That the Mining-Energy Sector Is in the Eye of the Hurricane
Energy and Natural Resources attorney Inés Elvira Vesga was cited in a Semana article about the Colombian government's position toward hydrocarbons and the implications for exploration contracts. President Gustavo Petro has signaled that there will be no more such contracts, and there is little clarity with respect to fracking. Ms. Vesga commented on the debate about the possible termination of current contracts and whether the state has the authority to modify existing agreements.
"If there were to be a decision to terminate contracts, deny licenses, modify terms, etc., we would be in a scenario of private claims. Now, there is room for discussion about the powers of the executive branch to prohibit the exploitation of the nation's resources, if it is enough for the Ministry of Mines to order the ANH not to carry out any more processes and only administer what there is, or if a law should be approved or even if the Constitution should be amended," she said.
READ: This Is the Reason That the Mining-Energy Sector Is in the Eye of the Hurricane