In the Headlines
November 29, 2023

Oil State Hopes to Launch COP28 Climate Summit with a Bang

The Washington Post

Energy policy advisor Beth Viola was quoted in a Washington Post article discussing how the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is looking to generate momentum to open the COP28 summit with a deal on covering the costs of climate-related disasters. The agreement would require certain developed countries to contribute to what's known as a "loss and damage" fund to provide aid for vulnerable countries affected by climate change. Industry sources say the push for a deal shows the issue of who should pay for what has become a central talking point. Ms. Viola commented on the increasing importance of private sector investors and philanthropists in the energy transition, saying those who were once secondary players in clean energy debates have now taken center stage.

"The sideshow is now the big tent," she said.

READ: Oil State Hopes to Launch COP28 Climate Summit with a Bang (Subscription required)

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