In the Headlines
August 31, 2024

A Rapid Advance That Lacks Regulation

Semana Magazine

Intellectual Property Partner Danilo Romero Raad was interviewed by Semana Magazine about the benefits and risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI). This new technology continues advancing at a rapid rate, but in Colombia it lacks legal and ethical rules governing its use and implementation. Mr. Romero explained that IA is currently regulated through superintendencies and public policy documents, adding that there are national and international initiatives to establish concrete legislation in this area. He also summarized the potential transformative benefits of AI research and development.

"National security, human rights, the right to privacy, the adequate use in fields like the administration of justice, healthcare and education have social and ethical connotations that, well managed, could only decrease existing gaps and create collective benefit through economic growth, better academic levels for students [and] better medical assistance," he said.

READ: A Rapid Advance That Lacks Regulation

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