In the Headlines
August 22, 2023

Judge Finalizes Sam Houston Electric Coop Win Against Capital Credits Class Claims

The Texas Lawbook

Litigation attorneys Mark Davis, Bradley Hancock, Jared Lampson, Christina Schwing, Adrianne Waddell and Theresa Wanat were featured in The Texas Lawbook about their representation of Sam Houston Electric Cooperative in a class action lawsuit accusing the cooperative of failing to return capital credits and violating its own governing documents. The arbitration ruling dismissed the claims, finding the claimants had no private right of action to sue for immediate payment of capital credits or alleged mismanagement. District Judge Chap B. Cain III signed off on the order finalizing Sam Houston Electric Cooperative's win against the class action claims.

READ: Judge Finalizes Sam Houston Electric Coop Win Against Capital Credits Class Claims (Subscription required)

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