Lawyer Ethics, Risk Management and Regulation

  • Our Legal Profession Team exists to help lawyers, law firms and legal departments to do what they do best – practice law for their own clients – without running unnecessary civil, ethical and criminal risk.
  • We have an in-depth understanding of the full range of problems that can and do plague lawyers in all forms and types of practices and how best to avoid problems before they start or resolve them before they escalate.
  • Our breadth of experience and access to our colleagues in a broad array of practice areas allows us to get to the heart of almost any problem in minimal time.
Word Cloud


With its focus on advising lawyers, law firms and legal departments to operate safely, efficiently and effectively, our Legal Profession Team is among the largest and most respected in the country. We help lawyers understand and navigate the situations involving the full range of their professional responsibilities in a practical, results-oriented and timely approach, and we assist clients in identifying, reviewing and circumventing unfavorable conditions before problems even begin.

Leveraging our team's deep litigation experience and insight into the law of the legal profession, we also represent our clients in disqualification motions, sanctions, attorney-client privilege disputes and conflict issues. For matters in which we are not counsel of record, we also provide expert testimony.

Our experienced professional responsibility attorneys are also prolific authors and lecturers who have co-authored seminal texts in this important area, including The Law of Lawyering. We are seasoned attorneys in the legal professional responsibility and ethics fields with an in-depth understanding of the art and science of lawyering.

Professional Responsibility Strength in Your Corner

We have extensive resources to handle your legal ethics, risk management and disciplinary defense matters. Our team has a substantial background representing law firms of all sizes, in-house legal departments at Fortune 100 companies, state bar and governmental bodies, government officials, election authorities and high-profile attorneys. We regularly assist clients in international, national and local matters.

Keeping Clients Current through Private Presentations

In the course of our many annual CLE presentations, we have learned  that it can be difficult or impossible for an audience member with a specific set of questions or issues to ask about them at a public CLE.

Our team therefore offers legal ethics and lawyer risk management CLE presentations on a private, in‐house or law firm‐specific basis. This enables the audience to speak freely to us and enables our team to focus the program on whatever topics the audience most wants addressed. In addition, lawyer travel time, related costs and disruption are minimal because we hold presentations at our clients' offices or by video conference.


Podcast - Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses
The Trial Lawyer's Handbook Ep. 45 - The Three C's of Impeachment
Podcast - Cross-Examination: The Three C’s of Impeachment
Dan Small Podcast
Podcast - Cross-Examination: How to Effectively Impeach with a Prior Inconsistent Statement
The Trial Lawyer's Handbook Episode 43 - Cross-Examination: Finding Control
Podcast - Cross-Examination: Finding Control
TLH Episode 42 Still
Podcast - Cross-Examination: Don't Argue - Elicit Facts
Podcast - Cross-Examination: Asking the Right Leading Questions
The Trial Lawyer's Handbook Ep.40 Still
Podcast - Cross-Examination: The Importance of Organization
Podcast - Understanding When to Cross-Examine
Podcast - Cross-Examination: Basic Approaches
Podcast - Cross-Examination: Basic Approaches
Podcast - The "Why" of Cross-Examination
Podcast - Basic Points to Consider in Redirect Examination 
Trial Lawyers Handbook
Podcast - Direct Examination: Offering Exhibits
Podcast - Direct Examination: Looping and Bookending
Trial Lawyer's Handbook Ep. 33 Still
Podcast - Direct Examination: Getting Rid of Clutter
Ep 32 Still
Podcast - Direct Examination: Asking Questions in the Right Order
TLH Ep.31 Still
Podcast - Direct Examination: Controlling a Friendly Witness
Ep. 30 The Trial Lawyers Handbook Still
Podcast - Direct Examination: To Lead or Not to Lead
Podcast - The Basic Elements of Direct Examination
Podcast - The Basic Elements of Direct Examination
Podcast - Opening Statements: Some Common Challenges
Podcast - Opening Statements: Common Mistakes
Trial Lawyers Handbook
Podcast - Opening Statements: The Prohibition Against Argument
Podcast - Opening Statements: Telling the Story
TLH Episode 24 Still
Podcast - Openings of Openings
Podcast - The Basics of Opening Statements
Podcast - Effective Trial Language Part 3: Jargon
Podcast - Effective Trial Language Part 2: Legalese
Podcast - Effective Trial Language Part 2: Legalese
Ep. 20 - Effective Trial Language Part 1: Noise
Podcast - Effective Trial Language Part 1: Noise
Podcast - Dealing with Evidence of Time, Distance and Speed
Podcast - Why Demonstrative Aids Are Critical in Every Case
Podcast - Using Technology in the Courtroom
TLHEp16 Still
Podcast - Showing Exhibits to the Jury
Trial Lawyers Handbook 15 Still
Podcast - Exuding Credibility in the Courtroom
Podcast - Key Lessons and Takeaways for Jury Trials
Podcast - The Pitfalls of Technology in Trials
Podcast - The Importance of Civility in Trial Law
TLH Ep 11 Still
Podcast - Bringing Mindfulness and Best Practices to Trial Law


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