Holland & Knight's Israel Practice Newsletter: Summer 2021

Holland & Knight invites you to read our Summer 2021 Israel Practice newsletter, in which our authors discuss pertinent American-Israeli topics. As Israel has been a crossroads and a prolific source of new ideas for more than 3,000 years, a natural tradition of inventiveness finds its most recent expression in the creation of a technology startup ecosystem with global impact on, among others, solutions designed to tackle COVID-19. This newsletter also addresses, among other relevant topics, how the innovative technologies and ideas generated in Israel can be deployed in the United States and globally.
- Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Summary of Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation
- Agreement on Global Tax Reform: What Happened and What's Next
- SEC Issues First-Ever Penalties for Deficient Cybersecurity Risk Controls
- We Cannot Afford to be Insane
- Drafting Choice of Law and Choice of Forum Provisions for U.S. Agreements
- ESG: Calculating Carbon Emissions for Financiers and Investor Assessment and Reporting Webinar
- Climate and Clean Energy Policy State of Play